SS10: Effective Soft Computing Methods for Biomedical Signals
Comparison Machine Learning Algorithms for Recognition of Epileptic Seizures in EEG
Bekir Karlik, Sengul Bayrak Hayta. 1-12. [PDF]
A new computational measure for detection of extrapyramidal symptoms
Jose Ignacio Aznarte, Sergio Iglesias-Parro, Antonio Ibañez-Molina, Maria Felipa Soriano. 13-22. [PDF]
The Optimization of Breathing Signals and Ventilatory Control with Nonlinear Respiratory Mechanics under Hypercapnia and Eucapnia
Shyan-Lung Lin, Yu-Zhe Tsai, Andy Liao. 23-33. [PDF]
A Novel Feature Extraction Method for Heart Sounds Classification
Yucel Kocyigit. 34-41. [PDF]
Task Related and Spatially Regularized Common Spatial Patterns for Brain Computer Interfaces
Ayhan Yuksel, Tamer Olmez. 42-53. [PDF]
Fuzzy Clustering of ECG Beats Using a New Metaheuristic Approach
Berat Dogan, Tamer Olmez. 54-65. [PDF]
SS9: Biomaterials in Biomedicine: Computational approaches
Predictive algorithms for determination of reflectance data from quantity of pigments within experimental dental resin composites
Razvan Ghinea, Oscar E. Pecho, Luis Javier Herrera, Ana Maria Ionescu, Juan De La Cruz Cardona, Maria Purificacion Sanchez Sanchez, Rade D. Paravina, Maria Del Mar Perez Gomez. 66-76. [PDF]
Ultrasonic monitoring of artificial tissue mechanical properties in biorreactor
Guillermo Rus, Nicolas Bochud, Juan Melchor, Laura Peralta, Juan Chiachio, Manuel Chiachio, Antonio Gomez. 77-83. [PDF]
Influence of the Length in Biomimetic Ion Channels Based on Derivatized a,?-Self Assembled Peptide Nanotubes. A Molecular Dynamics study.
Rebeca Garcia-Fandino, Juan Outeiral, Saulo Vazquez, Juan R. Granja. 84-84. [PDF]
FDTD simulations for ultrasound propagation in a 2-D cervical tissue model
Laura Peralta, Guillermo Rus, Nicolas Bochud, Juan Melchor, Juan Chiachio, Manuel Chiachio. 85-96. [PDF]
Model-based probability of detection of pathologies in soft tissue
Juan Melchor, Guillermo Rus, Nicolas Bochud, Laura Peralta, Juan Chiachio, Manuel Chiachio, Antonio Gomez. 97-107. [PDF]
Information-theory approach to model class assessment for tissue-engineered cultures consistence evolution
Juan ChiachIo-Ruano, Manuel ChiachIo Ruano, Guillermo Rus-Carlborg, Nicolas Bochud, Laura Peralta Pereira, Juan Manuel Melchor Rodriguez. 108-108. [PDF]
SS1: Multi-biomarker and informatics in cancer diagnosis
The mathematical models of serum HE4 and CA125 combined application to improve the pelvic tumor differential diagnosis rate
Yaping Tian, Chuanxin Wang, Liming Cheng, Peng Zhang, Lin Guo, Wanli Liu, Zhongying Zhang, Yanchun Huang, Qishui Ou, Xinyu Wen, Yuelei Xing, Guixi Zheng, Ziyong Sun, Huijun Li, Aimin Zhang, Ying Chen, Wen Liu, Huiming Ye, Yi Xu, Yishan Huo, Jing Chen. 109-115. [PDF]
Exploration of ovarian cancer micro array data focus on gene expression patterns relevant to survival using artificial neural networks.
Clare Coveney, Dong Tong, David Boocock, Robert Rees, Graham Ball. 116-123. [PDF]
High efficiency for activated KRAS detection from peripheral blood using weighted enzymatic gene chip array method
Tai Feng Hsu, Ming Yii Huang, Hsueh Chiao Liu, Jia Yuan Chang, Jian Jhang Huang, Shiu Ru Lin. 124-134. [PDF]
HER-2/neu Breast Cancer Diagnosis Procedure, Based on Histopathology Image Analysis
Martin Tabakov, Marta Tabakov, Halina Kwasnicka, Pawel Kozak, Bartosz Pula. 135-146. [PDF]
SS6: ePathology - Realities and Perspectives
Image Quality Assessment in Digital Pathology - The Analysis of Background in Whole Slide Images
Thomas Schrader, Anne Nadolny, Robert Piduch, Peter Hufnagl. 147-147. [PDF]
Automatic image quality assessment in digital pathology: from idea to implementation
David Ameisen, Christophe Deroulers, Valerie Perrier, Fatiha Bouhidel, Maxime Battistella, Luc Legres, Anne Janin, Philippe Bertheau, Jean-Baptiste Yunes. 148-157. [PDF]
Web-based remote diagnosis system using virtual slide for routine pathology slides, analysis of discrepancies between virtual and real microscopic diagnosis.
Ichiro Mori, Takashi Ozaki, Yasuteru Muragaki, Yoshiyuki Osamura. 158-159. [PDF]
Evaluation of cytokeratin-19 in breast cancer tissue samples: a comparison of automatic and manual evaluations of scanned tissue microarray cylinders
Cristina Callau, Marylene Lejeune, Anna Korzynska, Marcial Garcia, Gloria Bueno, Ramon Bosch, Joaquin Jaen, Guifre Orero, Teresa Salvado, Carlos Lopez. 160-172. [PDF]
The medical information system and its application for quality assurance programs in cytology - Georgian experience
Ekaterina Kldiashvili, Archil Burduli, Gocha Ghortlishvili, Dodo Agladze, Ivan Sheklashvili. 173-182. [PDF]
SS7: Modelling of cellular pathways and disease
In silico prediction of elementary mode fluxes
Jean-Marc Schwartz, Peter Neal Taylor. 183-191. [PDF]
Applications of p53 interactome analysis to personalised drug discovery
Michelle Hussain, Benjamin Stutchbury, Kun Tian, Rengul Atalay, Jean-Marc Schwartz, Marija Krstic-Demonacos. 192-203. [PDF]
Evolutionary and functional studies on the novel Hepatitis C virus core+1/ARF protein
Ioly Kotta-Loizou. 204-204. [PDF]
Biomedical Data Mining
Using Biomedical Terminologies to extract Noun Phrases for managing knowledge evolution
Adila Merabti, Lina F. Soualmia, Stefan J Darmoni. 205-216. [PDF]
Computing Pathways in Bio-Models Derived from Bio-Science Text Sources
Troels Andreasen, Henrik Bulskov, Jorgen Fischer Nilsson, Per Anker Jensen. 217-226. [PDF]
Comparing BioPortal and HeTOP: towards a unique biomedical ontology portal ?
Julien Grosjean, Lina F. Soualmia, Khedidja Bouarech, Clement Jonquet, Stefan J. Darmoni. 227-237. [PDF]
SS2: Discovery of non-coding and structured RNAs
Analyses of non-coding RNAs generated from the Epstein-Barr virus W repeat region.
Walter N. Moss. 238-252. [PDF]
New frontiers in the investigation of structural functional RNA domains in viral genomes. Understanding the hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Alfredo Berzal-Herranz, Cristina Romero-Lopez. 253-271. [PDF]
Identifying functional SNVs that map to non-coding regions of the genome and alter RNA Structure.
Alain Laederach. 272-272. [PDF]
Detection of structural constraints and conformational transitions in the influenza virus RNA genome using structure predictions and mutual information calculations
Alexander Gultyaev, Rene Olsthoorn, Monique Spronken, Ron Fouchier. 273-284. [PDF]
In silico discovery of de novo structured RNAs in genomic and transcriptomic sequence
Jan Gorodkin. 285-285. [PDF]
Comparative Detection of Processed Small RNAs in Archaea
Christian Hoener Zu Siederdissen, Sarah Berkemer, Fabian Amman, Axel Wintsche, Sebastian Will, Sonja J. Prohaska, Peter Stadler. 286-297. [PDF]
SS14: Better Oncology Treatment and Patient Outcomes by Using Therapy-Related Symptom Checklists (TRSC/TRSC-C) and a Computerized Two-Way Communication System
The Development and Application of an Oncology Therapy-Related Symptom Checklist for Adults (TRSC) and Children (TRSC-C)
Arthur R. Williams, David D. Williams, Phoebe D. Williams. 298-307. [PDF]
The TRSC-C and Childhood Leukemia in Thailand and the USA: Symptom Occurrence/Severity and Care Strategies for Symptom Relief
Phoebe D. Williams, Ubolrat Piamjariyakul, Jenna Degennaro. 308-314. [PDF]
The TRSC and Symptom Monitoring, Alleviation, and Self-Care among Mexican-Americans during Outpatient Cancer Treatments
Phoebe D. Williams, Leticia S. Lantican, Julia O. Bader, Daniela Lerma. 315-320. [PDF]
Computers that Show Recognition of Patients' Symptoms
Farrokh A. Alemi, Hosai Hesham, Arthur R. Williams, Phoebe D. Williams, Blaine Donley, Raya E. Kheirbek. 321-329. [PDF]
High Performance for Sequence Analysis
Exploring Sequence Alignment Algorithms on FPGA-based Heterogeneous Architectures
Xin Chang, Fernandao A. Escobar, Carlos Valderrama, Vincent Robert. 330-341. [PDF]
AutoFlow: an easy way to build workflows
Pedro Seoane, Rosario Carmona, Rocio Bautista, Dario Guerrero, M. Gonzalo Claros. 342-349. [PDF]
A Probabilistic Genome-Wide Gene Reading Frame Sequence Model
Christian Theil Have, Soren Mork. 350-361. [PDF]
Inexact Sequence Mapping Study Cases: Hybrid GPU Computing and Memory Demanding Indexes
Jose Salavert, Andres Tomas, Ignacio Medina, Ignacio Blanquer. 362-373. [PDF]
SS11: Chaperone Therapy for Protein Misfolding Disorders with Brain Dysfunction
Concept and Development of Chaperone Therapy for Protein Misfolding Diseases
Yoshiyuki Suzuki. 374-384. [PDF]
Design and Synthesis of Bioactive Valienamine-type Chaperones
Seiichiro Ogawa, Shinichi Kuno, Katsumi Higaki, Atsushi Takahashi, Eiji Nanba. 385-388. [PDF]
Pharmacological Chaperones by Design
Jose M. Garcia Fernandez. 389-389. [PDF]
Enzyme Enhancement Therapy through non-competitive pharmacological chaperones
Juan Aymami, Xavier Barril, Aida Delgado, Marc Reves, Rodolfo Lavilla, Katsumi Higaki, Ana Maria Garcia-Collazo, Laura Rodriguez-Pascau, Elena Cubero, Pilar Pizcueta, Marc Martinell. 390-395. [PDF]
Structural basis of pharmacological chaperoning for human B-galactosidase
Toshiyuki Shimizu. 396-396. [PDF]
Identification and characterization of chaperone compounds for human beta-galactosidase deficiency
Eiji Nanba, Katsumi Higaki. 397-397. [PDF]
SS8: Integration of data, methods and tools in biosciences
Integration of data in biosciences
Vesna Pajic, Gordana Pavlovic Lazetic, Dragana Dudic, Dragica Radovanovic, Jelena Kozoderovic. 398-405. [PDF]
A Machine Learning Approach to Enhance Scoring Performance in Docking-Based Virtual Screening Experiments: COX-1 as a Case Study
Candida Silva, Pedro Carreiras, Elsa Henriques, Carlos Simoes, Rui Brito. 406-414. [PDF]
Omic Data Modelling for Information Retrieval
Chloe Cabot, Julien Grosjean, Romain Lelong, Arnaud Lefebvre, Thierry Lecroq, Lina F. Soualmia, Stefan J. Darmoni. 415-424. [PDF]
Numerical Simulation of ISFET Structures for BioSensing Devices with TCAD Tools
Daniele Passeri, Arianna Morozzi, Keida Kanxheri, Andrea Scorzoni. 425-435. [PDF]
Mining Associations for Organism Characteristics in Prokaryotes - an Integrative Approach
Gordana Pavlovic Lazetic, Vesna Pajic, Nenad Mitic, Jovana Kovacevic, Milos Beljanski. 436-450. [PDF]
LPS: a strategy for the generation of longer DNA sequence fragments from short reads
Francisco Vera Voronisky, Ansel Y. Rodriguez Gonzalez, Ivan Olmos Pineda, Patricia Sanchez Alonso, Candelario Vazquez Cruz, Jesus A. Gonzalez. 451-462. [PDF]
In Search of Predictive Models for Inhibitors of 5-alpha Reductase 2 Based on the Integration of Bioactivity and Molecular Descriptors Data
Joana Sousa, Rui Brito, Jorge Salvador, Candida Silva. 463-472. [PDF]
Assisted prescription for improving treatments in Obstetrics-Gynecology Department
Mihaela Marcella Cri?an-Vida, Oana Lup?e, Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar. 473-483. [PDF]
Integrating Expression Data from Different Microarray Platforms in Search of Biomarkers of Radiosensitivity
Anna Papiez, Paul Finnon, Christophe Badie, Simon Bouffler, Joanna Polanska. 484-493. [PDF]
SS4: High Performance Computing in Bioinformatics
The role of High Performance Computing in Bioinformatics
Horacio Perez-Sanchez, Jose M. Cecilia, Ivan Merelli. 494-506. [PDF]
Hamming Distance based Binary PSO for Feature Selection and Classification from high dimensional Gene Expression Data
Haider Banka, Suresh Dara. 507-514. [PDF]
Experience with Lamport Clock Ordered Events with Intel Threading Building Blocks in a Glucose-Level Prediction Software
Tomas Koutny. 515-526. [PDF]
Hermite Polynomial Characterization of Heartbeats with Graphics Processing Units
Alberto Gil, Gabriel Caffarena, David G. Marquez, Abraham Otero. 527-538. [PDF]
Entropy-based High Performance Computation of Boolean SNP-SNP Interactions Using GPUs
Carlos Riveros, Manuel Ujaldon, Pablo Moscato. 539-550. [PDF]
Evaluating mixed HTC/cloud approaches for parameter sweep applications in systems biology
Ivan Merelli, Ettore Mosca, Daniele Cesini, Elisabetta Ronchieri, Luciano Milanesi. 551-562. [PDF]
Design of a Generic Architecture for executing Bioinformatics Workflows on Distributed Infrastructures
Abel Carrion, Ignacio Blanquer, Miguel Caballer, Cristina Yenyxe Gonzalez, Ignacio Medina. 563-574. [PDF]
An Efficient Solvent Accessible Surface Area calculation applied in Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction
Daniel Bonetti, Horacio Perez-Sanchez, Alexandre Delbem. 575-578. [PDF]
Parallel Computation of Non-Bonded Interactions in Drug Discovery: Nvidia GPUs vs. Intel Xeon Phi
Jianbin Fang, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Baldomero Imbernon, Jose Cecilia, Horacio Perez-Sanchez. 579-588. [PDF]
Accelerating Phylogenetic Inference on GPUs: an OpenACC and CUDA comparison
Lidia Kuan, Joao Neves, Frederico Pratas, Pedro Tomas, Leonel Sousa. 589-600. [PDF]
High Performance Computing Studies of RNA Nanotubes
Shyam Badu, Roderik Melnik, Maxim V. Paliy, Sanjay Prabhakar, Ali Sebetci, Bruce A. Shapiro. 601-607. [PDF]
SS3: Biological Knowledge Visualization
Generalized macro level models of amino acid sequences using passive electrical circuits
Roger Marshall. 608-622. [PDF]
Exploratory Visualization of Misclassified GPCRs from their transformed unaligned sequences using manifold learning techniques
Martha Ivon Cardenas, Alfredo Velllido, Caroline Konig, Rene Alquezar, Jesus Giraldo. 623-630. [PDF]
Mapping regional changes in the glycerophosphocholine second messenger lipidome following brain injury using CIRCOS
Graeme Taylor, Hongbin Xu, Andrew Syrett, Steffany Bennett. 631-641. [PDF]
Multi-dimensional anatomical representation: A volumetric comparison of the C57BL/6 and N3 C57BL/6 x 129/Sv mouse brain modelled from serial section using Autodesk Maya
Stephen Fai, Katie Wurts, Andrew Syrett, Brendan Trickey, Nico Valenzuela, Steffany Bennett. 642-659. [PDF]
Massive Automatic Functional Annotation - MAFA
Cristian Alejandro Rojas Quintero, Nelson Enrique Vera Parra, Jose Nelson Perez Castillo. 661-669. [PDF]
Advancing Lipidomic Bioinformatic Technologies: Visualization and Phospholipid Identification (VaLID) version 3.0
Graeme S.V Mcdowell, Alexandre P. Blanchard, Daniel Figeys, Stephen Fai, Steffany A.L. Bennett. 670-680. [PDF]
MG7: A fast horizontally scalable tool based on cloud computing and graph databases for microbial community profiling
Evdokim Kovach, Alexey Alekhin, Marina Manrique, Pablo Pareja-Tobes, Eduardo Pareja, Raquel Tobes, Eduardo Pareja-Tobes. 681-681. [PDF]
SS13: Computational analysis of gene regulatory elements with next-gen sequencing data
Principles of ChIP-seq Data Analysis Illustrated with Examples
Giovanna Ambrosini, Rene Dreos, Philipp Bucher. 682-694. [PDF]
Transcription factor binding and nucleosome positioning are alternative pathways for transcription start site selection in eukaryotic promoters
Rene Dreos, Giovanna Ambrosini, Philipp Bucher. 695-706. [PDF]
Changes in heat shock duration influence regulatory schemes of HSF1 activity.
Marta Iwanaszko, Patryk Janus, Tomasz Stokowy, Piotr Widlak, Marek Kimmel. 707-714. [PDF]
Transcription Factor Binding Site Detection Algorithm Using Distance Metrics Based on a Position Frequency Matrix Concept
Mohammad Al Bataineh, Lun Huang, Guillermo Atkin. 715-726. [PDF]
Gene Expression and Microarrays
Implications of RBBP6 in various types of cancer
Firdous Khan, Mushal Allam, Marius Tincho, Ashley Pretorius. 727-737. [PDF]
Automatic detection of outlying microarrays using multi-array quality metrics
Michal Marczyk, Lukasz Krol, Joanna Polanska. 738-746. [PDF]
Formal Concept Analysis and Knowledge Integration for Highlighting Statistically Enriched Functions from Microarrays Data.
Sidahmed Benabderrahmane. 747-758. [PDF]
Biomedical Engineering and eHealth Applications
Evaluating the effects of signal segmentation on activity recognition
Oresti Baños, Juan Manuel Galvez, Miguel Damas, Alberto Guillen, Luis Javier Herrera, Hector Pomares, Ignacio Rojas. 759-765. [PDF]
A Supervised Cooperative Learning System for Early Detection of Language Disorders
Maria Luisa Martin Ruiz, Miguel Angel Valero Duboy, Ivan Pau de La Cruz, Maria Peñafiel Puerto, Carmen Torcal Loriente. 766-777. [PDF]
Improvement in the accuracy of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrum analysis by automatic tuning of phase correction algorithms.
Franciszek Binczyk, Rafal Tarnawski, Joanna Polanska. 778-788. [PDF]
Analysis of Respiratory Flow Signals to Identify Success of Patients on Weaning Trials
Hernando Gonzalez Acevedo, Carlos Arizmendi, Beatriz Giraldo. 789-797. [PDF]
A novel framework to enhance scientific knowledge of cardiovascular MRI biomarkers and their application to pediatric cardiomyopathy classification
Vanathi Gopalakrishnan, Prahlad Menon, Shobhit Madan. 798-809. [PDF]
SS15: Computational MRI: Theory, Dynamics and Applications
Resolving the enhanced flow parameters for an in-depth analysis of the MRI-Neuroimaging
Moses Emetere, Bamidele Awojoyogbe, Uno Uno, Kasim Isah, Michael M. Dada. 810-819. [PDF]
Computational Magnetic Resonance Imaging based on Bloch NMR Flow Equation and Bessel Functions
Bamidele Omotayo Awojoyogbe, Michael Oluwaseun Dada, Adewale Omoniyi Adesola. 820-841. [PDF]
Computational Phase Constrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging based on Legendre Polynomials
Michael Oluwaseun Dada, Omotayo Bamidele Awojoyogbe. 842-859. [PDF]
Computational model of NMR Molecular Dynamics for the Analysis Blood Brain Barrier
Michael Oluwaseun Dada, Omotayo Bamidele Awojoyogbe, Simona Baroni. 860-877. [PDF]
Multiple Sclerosis lesion segmentation using Active Contours model and adaptive outlier detection method
Foued Derraz, Antonio Pinti, Laurent Peyrodie, Miloud Boussahla, Hechmi Toumi, Patrick Hautecoeur. 878-889. [PDF]
Computational Proteomics and Biological Systems
Protein function easily investigated by genomics data mining using the ProteINSIDE web service
Nicolas Kaspric, Brigitte Picard, Matthieu Reichstadt, Jeremy Tournayre, Muriel Bonnet. 890-902. [PDF]
Protein Fold Classification using Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map
Ozlem Ozbudak, Zumray Dokur. 903-911. [PDF]
A framework for modelling spatially dependent interactions of biological systems in CCP
Davide Chiarugi, Moreno Falaschi, Diana Hermith, Carlos Olarte. 912-923. [PDF]
Rewriting Logic and Symbolic Systems Biology applied to EGF Signaling Pathway
Gustavo Santos Garcia, Javier De Las Rivas, Carolyn Talcott. 924-935. [PDF]
Ethical Principles in Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Biotechnology, Biomedicine and the Precautionary Principle
Robin Attfield. 936-940. [PDF]
High Performance Bioinformatics for Healthcare and Diseases
Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images based on Local Binary Patterns and Evolutionary Neural Networks
Antonio Rodriguez-Jimenez, Enrique J. Carmona. 941-949. [PDF]
Outlier detection for single particle analysis in Electron Microscopy
Carlos O.S. Sorzano, Javier Vargas, Jose Miguel de La Rosa-Trevin, Airen Zaldivar-Peraza, Joaquin Oton, Vahid Abrishami, Ignacio Foche, Roberto Marabini, Gabriel Caffarena, Jose M. Caraza. 950-959. [PDF]
2D and 3D Alignment for Electron Microscopy via Graphics Processing Units
Eduardo Garcia de La Cueva, Miguel Mateo de La Puente, Alessandro Deideri, Ana Iriarte, Carlos O.S. Sorzano, Gabriel Caffarena. 960-971. [PDF]
Application of parallel blind docking with BINDSURF for the study of platinum derived compounds as anticancer drugs
Jose P. Ceron Carrasco, Javier Cerezo, Jose Zuñiga, Alberto Requena, Julia Contreras-Garcia, Sonali Chavan, Miguel Manrubia-Cobo, Baldomero Imbernon, Jose M. Cecilia, Horacio Perez-Sanchez. 972-976. [PDF]
miRNA Regulation Networks
Model-based design of synthetic networks
Liliana Ironi, Diana X Tran. 977-988. [PDF]
miRNAO: An Ontology Unfolding the Domain of microRNAs
Vicky Dritsou, Pantelis Topalis, Elvira Mitraka, Emmanuel Dialynas, Christos Louis. 989-1000. [PDF]
Inference of Circadian Regulatory Networks
Marco Grzegorczyk, Andrej Aderhold, V. Anne Smith, Dirk Husmeier. 1001-1014. [PDF]
miR-SEA: miRNA Seed Extension based Aligner Pipeline for NGS Expression Level Extraction
Gianvito Urgese, Giulia Paciello, Claudio Isella, Enzo Medico, Enrico Macii, Elisa Ficarra, Andrea Acquaviva. 1015-1026. [PDF]
Computational Approaches for Genomics and NGS
An Integrated Approach to Comparative Assembly
John Healy, Desmond Chambers. 1027-1038. [PDF]
Hkera, a human transcriptome partitioner
Austin Chiang, Grace Shaw, Ming-Jing Hwang. 1039-1039. [PDF]
Robust Error Correction for De Novo Assembly via Spectral Partitioning and Sequence Alignment
Andrei Alic, Andres Tomas, Jose Salavert Torres, Ignacio Medina, Ignacio Blanquer. 1040-1048. [PDF]
Using a Random Forest proximity measure for variable importance stratification in genotypic data
Jose A. Seoane, Ian N.M. Day, Colin Campbell, Juan Pablo Casas, Tom R. Gaunt. 1049-1060. [PDF]
SS16: Bioinformatical Approaches to Disordered Proteins
Predicting functional sites in disordered proteins - implications in disease
Balint Meszaros, Istvan Simon, Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi. 1061-1061. [PDF]
Dynamic approaches to structural ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins
Peter Tompa. 1062-1062. [PDF]
The Roles of Short Linear Motifs in Human Diseases
Bora Uyar, Toby Gibson. 1063-1063. [PDF]
SS18: Stochastic Modelling of Biological Systems
Flexible docking of the fragment of the troponin I to the troponin C
Jacek Wabik, Mateusz Kurcinski, Andrzej Kolinski. 1064-1073. [PDF]
Analysis of risk factors of hip fracture with causal Bayesian networks
Alex Aussem, Pascal Caillet, Zara Klemm, Maxime Gasse, Anne-Marie Schott, Michel Ducher. 1074-1085. [PDF]
Incorporating covariates in a flowgraph model for bladder carcinoma
Gregorio Rubio, Belen Garcia-Mora, Cristina Santamaria, Francisco Santonja. 1086-1096. [PDF]
Poster Session
Shape of a dilution curve as the consequence of stochasticity within microcirculation
Victor Kislukhin. 1097-1103. [PDF]
Inhibition of Wb-iPGM using analogues of Clorsulon and co-administration with DEC for bancroftian filariasis treatment
Om Prakash Sharma, M. Suresh Kumar. 1104-1121. [PDF]
Identification of Potent Inhibitors for Resistant Form of Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia (CML)
Hemanth Naick B, Om Prakash Sharma, Muthuvel Suresh Kumar, Baskaran Rajasekaran. 1122-1144. [PDF]
Comparison of pregnancy predictive models applied to women who received IVF/ICSI in Valencia (Spain) using ROC curves
Ana Debon, Patricia Carracedo, Inmaculada Molina. 1145-1153. [PDF]
Applying Stacked and Cascade Generalizations to B-cell Epitope Prediction
Yuh-Jyh Hu, Shun-Chien Lin, Yu-Lung Lin. 1154-1163. [PDF]
An Interactive X-Ray Image Segmentation Technique for Bone Extraction
Cristina Stolojescu-Crisan, Stefan Holban. 1164-1171. [PDF]
Sequencing by Ligation with Double-Labeled Fluorescent Probes
Dan Pu, Jing Chen, Pengfeng Xiao. 1172-1178. [PDF]
Fast Parallel Bayesian Networks Reconstruction with BNFinder
Alina Frolova, Bartek Wilczynski. 1179-1184. [PDF]
N-body Information Theory (NbIT) Analysis of Rigid-Body Dynamics in Intracellular Loop 2 of the 5-HT2A Receptor
Michael V. Levine, Jose Manuel Perez-Aguilar, Harel Weinstein. 1190-1201. [PDF]
Doctors and researchers: integrating data for bipolar disorder studies
Patricia Rodriguez Tome, Carla Melis, Raffaella Ardau, Caterina Chillotti, Maria Del Zompo, Alessio Squassina, Giovanni Severino. 1202-1202. [PDF]
An Effective 3-Dimensional Regional Myocardial Strain Computation Method with Displacement ENcoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE) in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Patients and Healthy Subjects
Julia Kar, Andrew Knutsen, Kevin Kulshrestha, Brian Cupps, Michael Pasque. 1203-1206. [PDF]
Fully Automatic Renal Parenchyma Volumetry in LDA-based Probability Maps Using Variational Outer Cortex Edge Alignment Forces
Oliver Gloger, Volkmar Liebscher, Klaus Tonnies, Henry Volzke. 1207-1218. [PDF]
Positioning Method Based on Infrared Spectrum Detection of Neurotransmitters for Electrical Nerve Stimulation after Spinal Cord Injury
Min Nie, Guang Yang. 1219-1228. [PDF]
Specificities of Medical Devices Affecting Health Technology Assessment Methodology
Vladimir Rogalewicz, Ivana Jurickova. 1229-1234. [PDF]
Supervised Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on Neural Network Using Broader Aging Dataset
Mohd Zulfaezal Che Azemin, Fadilah Abd Hamid, Mohd Izzuddin Mohd Tamrin, Anang Hudaya Muhamad Amin. 1235-1242. [PDF]
Label-free detection of viruses using liquid crystals on a polymeric surface with periodic nanostructures
Chang-Hyun Jang, Dong Min Kim. 1243-1243. [PDF]
Voice controller for Image Guided Surgery and per-sonalized Interactive Visualisation
Andoni Beristain, Alesssandro De Mauro, Koen Van De Weyer, Dominique Segers. 1244-1253. [PDF]
Improving Stability of Feature Selection for Brain Tumour Diagnosis Using 1H-MRS Data
Albert Vilamala, Lluis A. Belanche. 1254-1265. [PDF]
Stress-strain analyses of the jaws with multiple keratocysts before and after surgery
Josef Danek, Tatjana Dostalova, Milan Hubacek, Nima Mahdian. 1266-1277. [PDF]
Intelligent System for Premature Babies Healthcare at Home based on Case-based Reasoning
Beatriz Lopez, Fco. I. Gamero, Jordi Coll, Natalia Mordvaniuk, Judit Bassols, Eva Bargallo, Borja Guarch, Abel Lopez-Bermejo. 1278-1289. [PDF]
Quantitative Analysis of Pathological Mitochondrial Morphology in Neuronal Cells in Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Images
Herbert Susse, Wolfgang Ortmann, Janin Lautenschläager, Christian Lautenschlager, Marco Korner, Julian Grosskreutz, Joachim Denzler. 1290-1301. [PDF]
PETRA: Multivariate analyses for neuroimaging data
Fermin Segovia Roman, Ignacio Alvarez Illan, Diego Salas Gonzalez, Francisco Jesus Martinez Murcia, Christophe Phillips, Carlos Garcia Puntonet, Javier Ramirez Perez de Inestrosa, Juan Manuel Gorriz Saez. 1302-1312. [PDF]
Liposomes in polymer matrix. Stability of liposomes in PEG 400 and PEG 8000 solutions.
Magdalena Bajgrowicz, Jerzy Detyna, Marek Langner. 1313-1322. [PDF]
Motif discovery in speech: application to monitoring Alzheimer's disease
Dragana Nikolic, Anna Barney, Vanda Nemes, Peter Garrard. 1323-1324. [PDF]
Designing preterm neonatal cyanosis simulation
Peter Peters, Frank Delbressine, Loe Feijs. 1325-1337. [PDF]
Computational approach for modeling and testing NF-kB binding sites
Marcin Pacholczyk, Karolina Smolinska, Marta Iwanaszko, Marek Kimmel. 1338-1346. [PDF]
Dynamic Gap Selector: A Smith Waterman Sequence Alignment Algorithm with Affine Gap Model Optimization
Gianvito Urgese, Giulia Paciello, Andrea Acquaviva, Elisa Ficarra, Mariagrazia Graziano, Maurizio Zamboni. 1347-1358. [PDF]
Multiple-criteria decision making: application to medical devices
Vladimir Rogalewicz, Ivana Jurickova. 1359-1372. [PDF]
Barriers to implementation of a clinical information system in an emergency department
Ivana Jurickova, Pavla Hejmova. 1373-1388. [PDF]
Case study: Mobile X-ray equipment selection for a traumatology department using value engineering and multi-criteria decision methods
Ivana Jurickova, Ales Kraina. 1389-1402. [PDF]
Automatically building database from biological ontology
Zina Nakhla, Kaouther Nouira. 1403-1411. [PDF]
Statika: managing cloud resources, bioinformatics tools and data
Alexey Alekhin, Evdokim Kovach, Pablo Pareja-Tobes, Marina Manrique, Eduardo Pareja, Raquel Tobes, Eduardo Pareja-Tobes. 1412-1413. [PDF]
Nispero: a cloud-computing based Scala tool specially suited for bioinformatics data processing
Evdokim Kovach, Alexey Alekhin, Marina Manrique, Pablo Pareja-Tobes, Eduardo Pareja, Raquel Tobes, Eduardo Pareja-Tobes. 1414-1415. [PDF]
Determination of changes in plasma structure during extracorporeal circulation - studies by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and machine learning methods
Sylwia Olsztynska-Janus, Barbara Kmiecik, Bartosz Krawczyk, Malgorzata Komorowska. 1416-1417. [PDF]
Acoustic Study of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Preliminary Results
Ganna Raboshchuk, Climent Nadeu, Blanca Muñoz Mahamud, Ana Riverola de Veciana, Santiago Navarro Hervas. 1418-1426. [PDF]
Optimal preictal period in seizure prediction
Mojtaba Bandarabadi, Jalil Rasekhi, Cesar Teixeira, Antonio Dourado. 1427-1433. [PDF]
Revealing Helitron signatures in Caenorhabditis elegans by the Complex Morlet Analysis based on the Frequency Chaos Game Signals
Imen Messaoudi, Afef Elloumi Oueslati, Zied Lachiri. 1434-1444. [PDF]
The impact of the quality filter for RNA-Seq data over differential expression profile
Pablo C. Gomes de Sa, Siomar de Castro Soares, Adonney A. de Oliveira Veras, Anne C. Pinto, Luis Guimaraes, Vasco Azevedo, Artur Silva, Rommel Ramos. 1445-1449. [PDF]
An Automatic Wavelet Selection Scheme for Heart Sounds Denoising
Omari Tahar, Bereksi-Reguig Fethi. 1450-1462. [PDF]
Digital Human Model and Motion Capture Techniques for Home Kinesitherapy
Karolina Grzechnik, Tadeusz Burczynski. 1463-1470. [PDF]
Analysis of ATM signaling pathway as an activator of p53 and NF-kB regulatory modules and the role of PPM1D
Krzysztof Puszynski, Katarzyna Jonak, Monika Kurpas, Patryk Janus, Katarzyna Szoltysek. 1471-1482. [PDF]
High-throughput, Scalable, Quantitative, Cellular Phenotyping using X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy
Kevin Mader, Leah-Rae Donahue, Ralph Muller, Marco Stampanoni. 1483-1498. [PDF]
Pervasive System for Searching the Appropriate Road: A Mobile Physician on Road Network Case Study
Hanen Faiez, Jalel Akaichi. 1499-1510. [PDF]
The experimental model of lysozyme sustained release based on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-poly(ethylene glycol)/hydroxyapatite microparticles
A.L. Zernov, E.V. Ivanova, K.V. Shaitan. 1511-1519. [PDF]
The experimental model of mesenchymal stem cells growth and differentiation based on application of porous scaffold from bacterial origin poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-poly(ethylene glycol)
I.I. Zharkova, E.A. Akulina, N.V. Andreeva., K.V Shaitan. 1520-1526. [PDF]
Trajectory data warehouse modeling based on a Trajectory UML profile: Medical example
Wided Oueslati, Jalel Akaichi. 1527-1538. [PDF]
A semantic cache for queries optimization of Health care services communities
Hela Limam, Jalel Akaichi. 1539-1553. [PDF]
Infectious disease risk from anti-psychotic drug use: A population-based study
Usman Iqbal, Yu-Chuan Li. 1554-1554. [PDF]
In-silico approaches to sequence and structure based scrutiny of nonsynonymous SNPs and synteny of ACAA2 for its implicated role in metabolomics.
Sidrah Anjum, Attya Bhatti and Asma Gul [PDF]
An Integrative Analysis of ncRNA-mRNA Using Co-expression Network to Discover Potential Contributions of Coding-non-coding RNA Clusters
Li Guo, Yang Zhao, Sheng Yang, Hui Zhang, Feng Chen. 1568-1573. [PDF]
Biochemical Reactions as Renewal Processes: the case of mRNA Degradation
Paolo Paradisi, Davide Chiarugi. 1574-1576. [PDF]
Multi-point accelerometric detection and principal component analysis of heart sounds
Simone De Panfilis, Carlo Moroni, Fabrizio Pompili, Giorgio Parisi, Rosario Cassone. 1577-1577. [PDF]
A New Algorithm for Fetal QRS Detection in Abdominal Recordings
Bouabida Zohra, Hadj Slimane Zinne Eddine, Bereksi Reguig Fethi. 1578-1585. [PDF]
Transcriptomic analysis of human liver identifies a novel class of regulatory RNAs in chronic viral hepatitis and associated cancer
Praveen Sethupathy. 1586-1586. [PDF]
Docking analysis and catalytic site prediction of azoreductase in E. coli, with a wide range of industrially important azodyes
Samrat Adhikari, Samudra Sutradhar, Nangkyntiewbor Jungai, Bikash Thakuria, Gopesh Paul. 1587-1599. [PDF]
Computational docking analysis on selective inhibition and binding affinity of synthetic inhibitors towards Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMPs) isoforms
Sudandiradoss C, Petrek Martin. 1600-1600. [PDF]
Monalise Berbert, Carlos Thomas, Rogerio Marczak. 1601-1601. [PDF]
A performance comparison between conventional SSVEP and Emokey based Emotiv EPOC matrix speller
S M Abdullah Al Mamun. 1602-1602. [PDF]
Impact of missing genotype imputation on the power of Genome Wide Association Studies
Lukasz Krol, Ghazi Alsbeih, Christophe Badie, Joanna Polanska. 1603-1614. [PDF]
Automatic Peptides Selection for Targeted Proteomics
Yassene Mohammed, Dominik Domanski, Angela M. Jackson, Derek S. Smith, Andre M. Deelder, Magnus N. Palmblad, Christoph H. Borchers. 1615-1615. [PDF]
The Necessity for Improvement of the Algorithms Used for In Silico Allergenicity Assessment of Novel Proteins
Najaf Allahyari Fard. 1616-1616. [PDF]
Discriminative Modeling of Cell Signaling as Bayesian Networks
Ayse Gul Yaman, Aybar C Acar, Volkan Atalay, Rengul Cetin-Atalay. 1617-1617. [PDF]
Instrumented 30-s Chair Stand Test: evaluation of an exercise program in frail nonagenarians
Nora Millor, Pablo Lecumberri, Alicia Martinez-Ramirez, Jon Martinikorena, Marisol Gomez, Mikel Izquierdo. 1618-1629. [PDF]
An improved Fuzzy Clustering methodology applied to the study of Protein Conformational Ensembles
Duhu Man, Isabel Maria Timon-Perez, Jesus Soto-Espinosa, Antonio Flores-Sintas, Jose M. Cecilia, Horacio Perez-Sanchez. 1630-1630. [PDF]
Data Recycling of Historical Records and Integration in New Information Systems in Cardiology Service
R. Penafiel, Alberto Guillen, Luis Javier Herrera Maldonado. 1631-1633. [PDF]
Advanced Soft-Computing techniques and Clustering Algorithm for Gene Expression Microarray Data Classification
Olga Valenzuela, Fernando Rojas, Francisco Ortuño, Jose Luis Bernier, M. Jose Saez, Belen San-Roman, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Guillen, Ignacio Rojas. 1634-1643. [PDF]
Development of Soft-Computing techniques capable of diagnosing Alzheimers Disease in its pre-clinical stage combining MRI and FDG-PET images
Olga Valenzuela, Belen San-Roman, Francisco Ortuño, Jose Luis Bernier Villamor, Maria Jose Saez, Fernando Rojas, Ignacio Rojas. 1644-1650. [PDF]
Virtual Presentation
Hospital bed management support using regression data mining models
Sergio Oliveira, Filipe Portela, Manuel Filipe Santos, Jose Machado, Antonio Abelha. 1651-1661. [PDF]
Introducing the Concept of Second Neighbours to FPNC algorithm for Improving the Functional Modules Detection
Mohammad Rahman, Nafisa Chowdhury. 1662-1673. [PDF]
The Binding Sites of miR-619-5p, miR-5095, miR-5096 and miR-5585-3p in the Human mRNAs
Anatoly Ivashchenko, Olga Berillo, Anna Pyrkova, Raigul Niyazova, Shara Atambayeva. 1674-1684. [PDF]
Real-time True-color Volume Visualization of Multi-channel 3D CLSM Images Based on CUDA
Yakang Dai, Yunhai Zhang, Zhiyong Zhou, Haomin Yang, Xiaojun Xue. 1686-1693. [PDF]
Computation Based Disease Associations in Disease Inference
Preeti Kale, Jagannath Aghav. 1694-1704. [PDF]
Impact of Single amino acid Polymorphisms in Protein-Protein interactions in tumorigenic cluster A and cluster B of VHL: Computational molecular dynamics
George Priya Doss C, Chiranjib Chakraborty, Siddarth R, Nagasundaram N, Magesh R, Udhayakumar S, Priyanka N, Priyadharshini Christy J. 1705-1716. [PDF]
Physiological Data Stream from Monitoring System in Intensive Care Unit
Fahmi Ben Rejab, Kaouther Nouira, Bilel Amri. 1717-1728. [PDF]
State and Parameter Estimation of a Neural Mass Model from Electrophysiological Signals during Induced Status Epilepticus
Armando Lopez-Cuevas, Bernardino Castillo-Toledo, Laura Medina-Ceja, Consuelo Ventura-Mejia. 1729-1742. [PDF]
Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification Using a combination of Quadratic Spline-Based Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Classification Network.
Jose Antonio Gutierrez Gnecchi, Rodrigo Morfin Magaña, Adriana Del Carmen Tellez Anguiano, Daniel Lorias Espinoza, Enrique Reyes-Archundia, Obeth Hernandez Diaz. 1743-1754. [PDF]
Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy imaging of the thigh using current excitation frequencies in the mid-B frequency dispersion range.
Jose Antonio Gutierrez Gnecchi, Miguel Angel Mendoza Mendoza, Carlos Eduardo Guillen Nepita, Daniel Lorias Espinoza, Adriana Del Carmen Tellez Anguiano. 1755-1756. [PDF]
Global Topology of Codon Usage Equality Networks of Escherichia Coli Essential Genes
Mohammad-Hadi Foroughmand-Araabi, Sama Goliaei, Bahram Goliaei. 1757-1768. [PDF]
A parallel approach for accelerated parameter identification of Gene Regulatory Networks
Tariq Saeed, Jamil Ahmad. 1769-1779. [PDF]
Enhancing Hotelling's T2 Statistic using Shrinkage Covariance Matrix for Identifying Differentially Expressed Gene Sets
Suryaefiza Karjanto, Rasimah Aripin, Norazan Mohamed Ramli, Nor Azura Md Ghani. 1780-1791. [PDF]