Authors must submit an original paper in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, which should not exceed 12 pages in its final version according to the LNCS Springer-Verlag format.
(a supplementary fee will be charged for each additional page).
Templates for contribution are provided in LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats.
Please, read carefully guidelines and instructions for authors that are included at Springer site.
Authors must strictly follow the provided format to submit their contributions. For any question, please CONTACT US.
NEW! Abstract submissions are also accepted! Authors can submit a short abstract contribution.
Abstracts must follow the same format as paper contributions (LaTeX and Microsoft Word).
Once they have been accepted, it is highly recommended that abstracts are extended to full papers before final papers submission deadline (February 2nd, 2014).
Please, use our Easychair paper submission system to upload your contribution, in PDF format.
If there is any problem with the submission system, we also accept the submission by email. Please, submit your contribution or send it to us in the provided templates to, including in the subject: "[Paper Submission] + the title of your contribution".
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under both ISBN and ISSN references. The proceedings will be indexed as regular articles in the
ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Thompson Reuters) and DBLP database. Contributions from the previous edition (IWBBIO 2013)
are already available by these two indexes.
A list of papers with very high quality will be selected to be extended and submitted in different special issues. We have currently contacted with some journals: